The instrument can be configured to stop logging when the memory is full
or to overwrite the oldest data in memory but selecting the appropriate
option in the 'Data storage' section of the Advanced tab.
The information in the heading fields of the printed ticket can be changed
to suit the user requirements. These can be changed in the 'Ticket
headings' section of the Advanced Tab.
In Logging mode the instrument prints at a regular interval selected by the
user. During the initial printing the instrument serial number, a logo and a
header can be printed. Subsequent prints at each timed period contain
the date, time, temperatures and Hi/Lo Alarm status.
A start delay for the log can be set using the plus and minus buttons if
the 'Start delay' section of the 'Advanced' tab. A delay of up to 23 hours,
59 minutes and 59 seconds can be set. Setting 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0
seconds will give an immediate start when the 'START' button is pressed.
The log interval can be set from 6 seconds to 255 minutes using the
drop down box in the 'Log interval' section of the 'Advanced' tab. The
total log duration is calculated by the software each time the log interval
is changed.