3. Detection on HV current
High voltage, very dangerous
Nobody but a
qualified personnel after training could
conduct operation on it. The operator should
obey safety regulations; otherwise there will
be the danger of electric shock resulting in
personal injury or casualty.
Only when all of the five insulating bars are
connected can the high voltage line be
detected, otherwise there may be the danger
of electric shock resulting in personal injury
or casualty.
Dangerous! It is not allowable to measure
high voltage line above 60V; otherwise there
will be danger of electric shock resulting in
personal injury or casualty.
Dangerous! It is not allowable to detect the
high current wire above 1000A.
Prior to the detection, have the insulation
bars connected properly, finally have the
detector connected, and take care to avoid
any ground impact on the instrument.
Nothing but the special-made insulation bars
could be connected to the instrument.
After the detection, collect the insulation rod
in slant direction, first take apart the
detector, then the insulation bars, and take
care to avoid ground impact on detector.
High voltage detector is connected properly with 5
insulation rod and started normally .Set the detected wire at
the center of guide sector on detector pliers head (Diagram A).
High voltage detector has guide sector perpendicular to wire,
Push forward the insulation rod, the wire detected is clamped