ES420.1 - User’s Guide
3. Continue to wire or connect further modules as described
To wire the first module with the PC and the power supply
1. Connect the combined Ethernet and power supply cable to the
“IN” port of the ES420.1.
2. Connect the RJ-45 connector to the free Ethernet interface
port of your PC.
3. Connect the supply voltage connector of the combined Ether
net and power supply cable to the desired power supply.
Note the color coding of the connectors.
To wire the module chain with additional current feeding
1. End the module chain after the last module whose power sup
ply is still guaranteed in the entire operational range.
2. Connect the combined Ethernet and power supply cable to the
“OUT” port of the ES420.1 of the last module of the chain
towards the PC.
3. Connect the combined Ethernet and power supply cable to the
“IN” port of the ES420.1 of the next module towards the end of
the chain.
4. Connect the supply voltage connector of the combined Ether
net and power supply cable to the desired power supply.
Note the color coding of the connectors.
The ports of the modules or the ES4xx_BRIDGE can be damaged!
Screw the two modules together without getting them off-thread as far as it
will go within the module.