ES420.1 - User’s Guide
The configuration of the ES420.1 is performed entirely via the GUI within INCA.
The configuration of the individual channels is saved either in INCA or in the
individual ES400 modules. In the first case, you can prepare settings for spe
cific measure tasks, e.g. in the lab. The second case is of interest to users who
share a test carrier with a corresponding ES400 test setup. In this way, several
users can call up the saved configuration directly from the modules.
Tool Integration
The ES400 modules can be selected and configured in INCA and support the
open protocol XCP-on-Ethernet. This enables easy integration of the modules
into other measure software.
The measure system can be connected directly to the PC’s Ethernet port. No
additional devices or interface converters are necessary.
Firmware Update
The firmware of the module can be updated by the user so that future versions
of the module can also be used. The firmware update is done with the help of
the service software "Hardware Service Pack" (HSP) from the connected PC.
A calibration service for your ES420.1 is available. To ensure reliable accuracy
of the measurements, you should calibrate the ES420.1 once a year.
Information on the last calibration is stored in the device.
Please contact your local ETAS representative for information on obtaining the
calibration service. You can find the contact information in the Chapter “ETAS
Contact Addresses” on page 96. For information on ordering the calibration
service, refer to the Chapter “Device Calibration” on page 95.
During a firmware update, neither the voltage supply nor the Ethernet connec
tion may be interrupted!