Configuration parameter
[Heating circuit] function block
The following figures are a guide, depending on the
configured temperature [Flow at -10°C] and the design
of the heating circuit:
Explanation of [spec. heating load]
This sets the required heat per m² for this heating
circuit at an outside temperature of -16 °C. Guideline
values for heating requirements:
Passive houses ~10 W/m²
Energy-saving new constructions ~30 W/m²
Standard new constructions ~50 W/m²
Houses built in the 1990s ~70 W/m²
Older houses (1960-1980) ~110 W/m²
Multiplied by the surface area value [Total area], this
indicates a nominal heating load for this heating circuit,
which is used for more precise control.
Set the heating requirement for each installed
heating circuit.
Explanation of [Total area]
This parameter indicates the total heated area for this
heating circuit.
Multiplied by the heating requirement [spec. heating
load], this indicates a nominal heating load for this
heating circuit, which is used for more precise control.
Set the total area for each installed heating
Explanation of [Heating threshold for 'heating']
and [Heating threshold for 'set-back']
The [Heating threshold for 'heating'] and [Heating
threshold for 'set-back'] parameters are used to set the
outside temperatures that switch off the selected
heating circuit during heating or in set-back mode.
Explanation of [Enable temperature]
Minimum temperature of the heat producer (buffer or
boiler) for enabling the heating circuit pump.
This parameter can be configured for each
heating circuit. This way, you can also determine
which heating circuit is started first and runs the
longest when the buffer is cooling down.
In heating systems without a buffer and the "Pel-
letsUnit" boiler, this parameter is not visible.
Explanation of [MixValve runtime]
This parameter sets the running time for the mixing
valve actuator, the time needed to turn it from the
closed to the fully open position.
Set the running time according to the information
on the mixing valve actuator's type plate.
Explanation of [HW priority]
This parameter specifies whether the hot water tank
and the heating circuit can draw heat simultaneously.
If the parameter is set to [No], they can both be
supplied at the same time. If you choose the setting
[Yes], the heating circuit is switched off so that the hot
water can be charged.
With a log boiler, the [Yes] setting makes no
sense as the water priority is regulated via a
higher enabling temperature in the heating circuits. Set
the enabling temperature of the heating circuits 5-10
°C higher than the enabling temperature of the hot
water tank. When the buffer is cooling off, the heating
circuits will be shut off first but the hot water will
continue to be charged.
Explanation of [Solar heat diss.]
This parameter defines whether the selected heating
circuit may take excess solar heat from the buffer.
If these parameters are set to [Yes], this heating circuit
will use the solar surplus. The heating circuit switches
itself on and a heating curve is calculated as if for an
outside temperature of 0°C.
This parameter is factory-set to [No]. You must
check the conditions for the [Extra solar heat]
function in the text menu of the accumulator tank.
Flow at -10°C
40 °C
60 °C
80 °C
5 - 8°C
Underfloor heat.
Flow at -10°C
30 °C
40 °C
3 °C
5 °C