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Object 0: "Input: Lock light channel" (length = 1 bit)

The switching/dimming outputs for the light channel are locked with an ON 
telegram and unlocked with an OFF telegram.
Parameters can be set to determine the status of the light channel after 
locking and unlocking.

Object 1: "Input: Light channel manual ON/OFF" (length = 1 bit)

Please note: essential when in semi-automatic mode!

Manual operation is maintained when persons are present until the switch-off 
delay time has elapsed if "while presence" is set in the parameters. Light 
measurement is not active for the set time if the parameter "With disabled 
light processing during off-period" has been selected. After this, the detector 
switches to normal operating mode. Manual operation has no impact on 
motion detection. The function is transmitted to communication objects 5/6.

Object 2: "Output: Light channel ON/OFF" (length = 1 bit)

If artificial lighting is required (switching threshold 1/set value via parameter) 
and persons are present, the output sends an ON telegram.
If natural light is sufficient and/or no persons are present, an OFF telegram is 
sent once the switch-off delay time has elapsed.

Object 3: "Input: Light channel 1/actuator acknowledgement" (length = 1 bit)

This object can be used to evaluate the status object of an actuator. In the 
event that the actuator is not only controlled by the detector, the detector will 
be switched on with an ON telegram and then switched off once the switch-
off delay time has elapsed (provided no further movement is detected). If an 
OFF telegram is sent, the detector will be switched off and will then revert 
immediately to standby mode. This is only available if "actuator feedback" 
has been enabled.


Object 4: "Output: Current light value" (length = 2 bytes)

This object can be used to output the light's current actual value.
This takes into account the offset and internal light value factor. 
The light channel uses this value to evaluate the light value.


Object 5: "Input: Lock motion detection" (length = 1 bit)

An ON telegram locks the internal motion detection function, while an OFF 
telegram unlocks it again. The 

red LED

 lights up if motion detection is locked.

Object 6: "Input: Slave/Master motion" (length = 1 bit)

Trigger input for parallel connection of Master/Master or input of Slave.

Object 7: "Output: Motion detection" (length = 1 bit)

Output of own PIR motion detection.


Object 8: "Input: Reset" (length = 1 bit)

An ON telegram via this object restarts the device.
