Ethernet Bridge Mode Example 2 (Figure 2)
Revised: 5 Dec 12
EST P/N AA107-210CM
Point to Point with Repeater Ethernet Bridge
(3) ESTeem Model 210
Serial Numbers:
E-14000 (Main Office)
E-14001 (Remote Office)
E-14002 (Repeater)
1. Using the above procedure, enter the three
ESTeem 210s into the ENC Utility. Your
layout should appear like Figure 14.
2. Move the ESTeem 210 icons on the screen to
simulate the layout of the diagram. Draw
connection lines between the modems to make
the wireless link in the same order as the
network layout (Figure 15).
Verify all ESTeem modems are connected to
the same switch as the computer running the ENC Utility and
send the configuration to both modems at the same time by
selecting ESTeem>ESTeem Configuration>Send
Configuration to All ESTeems. Once the ENC Utility has
downloaded the configuration for both ESTeem 210’s, the
status box around the ESTeem‘s will change from yellow to
blue. This indicates that the configuration was completed
successfully and the ESTeem 210’s are ready to be installed in the application.
Figure 14: Example 2 Modems
Technical Tip
Although it does not matter
where the ESTeem icons are located on the
screen, putting them in the same layout as the
application makes it easier to visually verify the
network connections.
Figure 15: Example 2 Layout