when it is still hot. Do not allow young
children to prepare unsupervised. Please
follow the rules of the landowner, do not
light a fire in a dry forest / park / garden
and confirm well in advance when and
where you can make a campfire. Never
leave a fire unattended. Remove all
decoration and packaging before use.
Place the fire on a suitable safe, level, heat
resistant surface away from furnishings,
flammable materials, heat and draughts.
Do not use spirit or
petrol for lighting or relighting!
Use only firelighters complying to EN
1860-3! Keep out of reach of children and
pets. Extinguish the fire if flame becomes
enlarged or gives off excessive smoke,
cover the fire with a large fire blanket. Do
not blow out or use water to extinguish.
Hold open fires / barbecues only outside.
• The barbecue will become very hot, do
not move it during operation.
• Do not use indoors!
• Keep children and pets away.
charcoal indoors can kill you. It gives off
carbon monoxide, which has no odour.
NEVER burn charcoal inside homes,
vehicles or tents.
• Always site the barbecue on a firm level
base sheltered from gusts of wind and well
away from anything flammable, such as
garden sheds, garages, fences, shrubs etc.
• Never leave a lighted barbecue
LiGhTiNG ThE BarBEcuE:
• Fully assemble the barbecue in the order
shown on the packaging.
• Remove the cooking grill/griddle and
place a small quantity of charcoal into the
barbecue and light in accordance with the
instructions on the charcoal packaging.
• When the charcoal becomes red hot add
more charcoal for cooking. Do not overfill
the barbecue.
• Replace the cooking grill/griddle and
wait approximately 20-30 minutes before
cooking and do not cook before the
charcoal has a coating of ash.
• When using barbecue for the first time
allow the charcoal to remain red hot for at
least 30 minutes before cooking.
• Accessible parts will be hot – wear oven
gloves when touching the barbecue.
rEMOViNG ThE ash:
• Allow the barbecue and ash to become
completely cold before emptying.
• Remove the cooking grill before lifting
the barbecue and emptying the ash into a
suitable container.
carE aND MaiNTENaNcE:
• Empty the ash from the barbecue and
clean after each use.
• The barbecue can be cleaned using
barbecue cleaning fluid but take care if