Hardware Installation
Manual • Doc.-No.: C.3040.21 / Rev. 1.2
Page 14 of 92
3.2 LED Display
Fig. 3: Position of the LEDs in the front panel
The CAN-CBX-AO412 module is equipped with four Status-LEDs. The terms of the indicator states
of the LEDs are chosen in accordance the terms recommended by the CiA [3]. The indicator states are
described in the following chapters.
3.2.1 Indicator States
In principle the are 8 indicator states distinguished:
Indicator state
LED on
LED off
LED blinking with a frequency of approx. 2.5 Hz
LED flickering with 10 Hz
1 flash
LED 200 ms on, 1400 ms off
2 flashes
LED 200 ms on, 200 ms off, 200 ms on, 1000 ms off
3 flashes
LED 2x (200 ms on, 200 ms off) + 1x (200 ms on, 1000 ms off)
4 flashes
LED 3x (200 ms on, 200 ms off) + 1x (200 ms on, 1000 ms off)
Table 5: Indicator states of the LEDs