Incremental measurement
A re la ti ve mea su re ment can be made by using the in cre men tal mea su re ment func -
tion. Ac ti vating the in cre men tal mea su re ment func tion will hap pen, that a in cre men -
tal mea su re ment va lue will be sto red to a non- vo la ti le EE PROM even af ter swit ching
of the in stru ment.
Ac ti vating the in cre men tal mea su re ment func tion
• The di gi tal in put 1 (pa ra me ter 0-11)
• The di gi tal in put 2 (pa ra me ter 0-12)
• The func tio nal push but ton
(pa ra me ter 0-13)
Ac ti vating the in cre men tal mea su re ment func tion by pres sing the func tio nal push but -
or ac ti vating di gi tal in put 1/di gi tal in put 2 (de pen dent on the pro gram ming of
the pa ra me ter 0-11, 0-12 and 0-13), cau se that the cur rent en co der va lue is sto red to
an EE PROM. This va lue will be sub strac ted from each cur rent en co der va lue.
Ac ti vating the func tion a se cond time will switch off the func tion and cle ar the in crem -
tal mea su re ment va lue of the EE PROM.
Direction of rotation
The di rec tion of ro ta ti on can be chan ged by soft ware func tion. The en co der will
usual ly count in in crea sing di rec tion, if the dri ving shaft turns with clock wi se ro ta ti on
(top view at the dri ving shaft).
In crea sing va lues with clock wi se ro ta ti on (top view at the dri ving shaft),
Pa ra me ter 0-05 have to be pro gram med to 0
In crea sing va lues with an ti- clock wi se ro ta ti on (top view at the dri ving shaft),
Pa ra me ter 0-05 have to be pro gram med to 1
MIN/MAX value detection
The pa nel me ter in clu de a MIN/MAX va lue de tec tion. The ma xi mum and mi ni mum
va lue can be dis played with the fron tal push but tons or the di gi tal user in puts. Be si des
the ma xi mum and mi ni mum va lue can be con trol led of the alarm out put or can be
used as the data sour ce for the ana log out put
Re set the mi ni mum and ma xi mum va lues:
• Au to ma ti cal ly by the pro gram med me mo ry re set time (pa ra me ter 0-10)
• By ac ti vating the di gi tal in puts 1 or 2 (pa ra me ter 0-11 and 0-12)
• By pres sing the func tio nal push but ton
(pa ra me ter 0-13)
• By lea ving the pro gram ming rou ti ne
ERMA-Electronic GmbH
9. Software functions
Summary of Contents for SSI 9006
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