Foot Rolling Function Start/Stop Contol Button
Press this button once to activate rhythmic rolling massage at soles, press again to stop rolling massage
at soles.
Note: During Auto Program mode, pressing this button can also disable/enable the Foot Rolling function.
25. HOME
Press this button to restore the chair to its home position.
Kneading function Start/Stop control button - 5 levels of strength to be adjusted
Press this button to activate rhythmic mode 1 Kneading function for a full back massage at medium
strength. Press again to activate mode 2 Kneading function. Press for the third time to stop Kneading
function and switch to mode 1 Swedish function.
Tapping Function Start/Stop Control Button - 3 levels of width, 5 levels of speed to be adjusted
Press this button to activate rhythmic mode 1 Tapping function for a full back massage at medium speed.
Press the button again to activate mode 2 Tapping function. Press the button for the third time to stop
Tapping function and switch to mode 1 Shiatsu function.
Swedish Function Start/Stop Control Button - 5 levels of speed to be adjusted
When mode 2 Kneading function is engaged, press this button to activate rhythmic mode 1 Swedish
function for a full back massage at medium speed. Press again to activate mode 2 Swedish function.
Press once more to stop the Swedish function. To activate Swedish function directly, press this button 3
times during idle mode.
Shiatsu Function Start/Stop Control Button - 3 levels of width, 5 levels of speed to be adjusted
When mode 2 Tapping function is engaged, press this button to activate rhythmic mode 1 Shiatsu function
for a full back massage at medium speed. Press again to activate mode 2 Shiatsu function. Press once
more to stop the Shiatsu function. To activate Shiatsu function directly, press this button 3 times during
idle mode.
24. ZGR
Press this button to activate the ZG function.
Note: ZGR button IS NOT controllable during auto programs of Swedish and Thai.