What this device is
Always consult a licensed heating, ventilation, and air-
conditioning (HVAC) Technician when considering the
option to exhaust the warm air from your device. They
can help you decide if an exhaust is best for you
The exhaust is a comfort option and does not increase or
decrease the safety and effectiveness of the device. The
exhaust duct is not required to keep the device in a cer-
tain temperature range in order to operate safe and ef-
Function description
Tanning system
The primary technical components of a tanning device are an artificial source
of UV radiation, a variety of filters and reflectors as well as a mechanical
structure with a defined active surface.
Different tanning results can be achieved in varying strength tanning devices.
This is due to the different strength UV lamps and the different UV-A and
UV-B proportions of the UV radiation. The UV-A proportion primarily gener-
ates a superficial tan, which appears rapidly and is intensive but also fades
more rapidly, the UV-B radiation is primarily responsible for more long-term
tanning results.
Traditional UV light with the addition of (beauty) red light results in a natural
looking tan. Optimal tanning results are achieved due to the synergistic com-
bination of light spectrums.
Tanning system