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Descriptions and non-contractual illustrations in this document are given as an indication only. ERCOGENER SAS reserves the right to make any
modifications. This document is the property of ERCOGENER SAS. It may not be reproduced or disclosed to a third party without the written
consent of ERCOGENER SAS.
The character has to be entered at the beginning of the line in order to activate the corresponding setting: enter 1 to
modify the date for example, and follow the instructions.
Example of display
D: Mode [0:Tracking]
Transmission mode [0]:
0: Tracking
1: Remote Reading
The menu will adapt depending on the selected
1: Date ("dd/mm/yyyy") [01/01/2000]
Date ("dd/mm/yyyy") [01/01/2000]
Réglage date
2: Hour ("hh:mm"24H) [00:00]
Time ("hh:mm" 24H) [00:00]:
Time setting
3: Start activation delay (0-1440mn) [0mn]
Start activation delay (0-1440mn,0: not
actived ): "0mn"
Activation timeout
4: Keep alive time ("I,mn";"F,[0-7],hh:mm") [I,480]
Example :"I,1440" => Interval Time keep
alive every 1440mn [1-1440mn]
Example :"F,0,12:00" => Fix Time keep
alive everyday at 12:00
Example :"F,2,23:59" => Fix Time keep
alive every Tuesday at 23:59
Example :"F,7,01:00" => Fix Time keep
alive every Sunday at 01:00
Timeout for transmission of regular frame
5: Alert cyclic wakeup ("HH:MM:SS") [00:10:00]
Cyclic wakeup ("HH:MM:SS") [00:10:00]:
Cyclical alert
6: Transmission mode [0:GSM/GPRS]
Transmission mode [0]:
1: LoRa
2: Sigfox
3: LoRa + GSM/GPRS backup
GSM/GPRS Mode requires SIM card
The menu will adapt depending on the
transmission modes selected
7: GSM/GPRS configuration IMEI [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Access to parameters below.
SMS destination phone number []
SMS destination phone number: ""
Enter phone number:
PIN code []
PIN Code: ""
Enter PIN Code (if requested):
APN server []
APN server: ""
Enter APN server:
APN username []
APN username: ""
Enter APN username:
APN password []
APN password: ""
Enter APN password:
protocol [TCP]
Transfert protocol: "UDP"
Enter protocol "T":TCP, "U":UDP
TCP server []
TCP server: ""
Enter TCP server:
TCP port [0]
TCP port: "0"
Enter TCP port:
TCP ack []
TCP ack: ""
Enter returns acknowledge string:
$I0-FRW: "AX-Sigfox 1.1.0-ETSI"
$I2-HWL: "8F"
$I3-HWH: "51"
$I4-FWH: "1"
$I5-FWL: "1"
$I8-VCS: "0"
$I9-LIB: "UDL1-1.8.7"
$I10-ID : "00192F6E"
$I11-PAC: "4DEDEAFA03481A22"
A: Accelerometer [1:Enable]
A: Accelerometer (0:Disable , 1:Enable):
N: IN1 (Type, Rest state, Value, Threshold) [0,0,0,65535]
(Type, Rest state, Value, Threshold)