10. Select
Premium Glossy Photo Paper
as the Media Type setting. Also make sure
the PhotoEnhance setting is turned
11. Select the number of copies of your snapshot that you want to print, then click
. Your pictures print with no space between them and no space on the sides.
Follow the steps on page 56 to remove and store your pictures.
The spaces between pages or print jobs on roll paper may vary,
depending on the application you’re using and the way you create
your document.
If you select Save Roll Paper when printing 4
6-inch images, you
may create a space between each print job.
Printing Snapshots with Photoshop
First load 4-inch wide roll paper in your printer, as described on page 33. Then follow
the steps in the section for your operating system below.
Adobe Photoshop LE comes with the EPSON Stylus Photo 1270
Windows Instructions
1. Start Photoshop. Click
, point to
Photoshop 5.0 LE
, and
double-click the
Adobe Photoshop 5.0 LE
icon. You see the Photoshop main
2. Select the picture you want to print, modify it as necessary, and size it to 4
inches. (See Photoshop Help for instructions.)
3. When you’re ready to print, select
from the File menu and select your
printer software settings as described on page 45 for PhotoDeluxe.
4. When you print multiple copies, you may have space above and below your
photos, but no space on the sides. Follow the steps on page 56 to remove and
store your pictures.