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Solving Printer Software Problems
If you have trouble with your printer software, first check that your
printer is selected as the default Windows printer or as the current
printer in the Macintosh Chooser.
If you still have problems with your printer software, check the
following solutions.
The printer software installed with Windows 3.1 doesn’t work correctly after you
upgrade to Windows 95 or Windows 98
When installing your printer software, you see the Windows New Hardware Found
Possible cause
Your printer software is
not set up correctly for
the new operating
Uninstall the printer software after installing Windows 95 or Windows 98,
as described in
. Then reinstall it as
described in the Start Here card.
Possible cause
Windows has detected
your printer.
If your printer is connected using a parallel connection, click Cancel.
Never select any other option on the New Hardware Found window.
If your printer is connected using a USB port, see the Printer Basics
book for instructions on using Windows 98 plug-and-play.