When speed is more important than quality and when a draft is
good enough, use 180-dpi resolution.
Printing at lower resolutions conserves ink.
Media Type
Sets up the printer for plain paper, coated paper, or
transparencies. Media Type can be one of the following:
Plain paper
Coated Paper - 360 dpi
Coated Paper - 720 dpi
When 720-dpi resolution is selected, Coated Paper - 720 dpi is
automatically selected. No other Media Type can be selected.
MicroWeave mode
Reduces the possibility of banding, the light horizontal lines
that can mar an image.
MicroWeave is recommended for printing in color. In
monochrome mode, MicroWeave slows the print speed. For
this reason, you may not want to use it for monochrome
MicroWeave is turned on automatically for 720 dpi. It is not
available for 180 dpi.
High-Speed Mode
When you turn on High-Speed Mode, the printer uses
bidirectional printing, reducing the time it takes to print an
image. Bidirectional printing is fast, but for highest quality,
always turn off High-Speed Mode.
Controlling the Printer