Although you can achieve satisfactory results with most plain
paper, coated papers give you better results because they
reduce the amount of ink that is absorbed. You will not achieve
720 dpi unless you use special coated paper for 720 dpi.
EPSON provides special coated papers that are formulated
specifically for the inks used in this printer. These papers are
part of the complete EPSON printing system, in which the
printer inks, papers, and software driver all work together to
deliver the world’s finest color ink jet output. For this reason,
you will get the best results when you use special EPSON
papers. See Chapter 3 for more information about choosing
If you use paper from other manufacturers, you should test a
few sheets before buying large quantities. Also, check the finish
and thickness before purchasing paper. Avoid paper that has a
rough finish or that is too thick or thin.
The printer’s MicroWeave feature is a special printing mode
you can use to enhance your printed output. When
MicroWeave is on, the printer selectively applies ink in an
intricate pattern to eliminate the banding that can sometimes
occur in normal mode.
Since the MicroWeave mode slows the print speed, turn it off
for fast printing.