Setting Up the Projector
The size of the image is determined by the distance from the projector’s lens to the screen.
Depending on your display settings and how you use the Zoom ring, the actual size may
differ. Use these tables as a guide for projector placement:
16:9 aspect ratio
Projection distance
Diagonal image size
(width × height)
Offset A
Offset B
Horizontal Offset
3.8 to 8.3 feet
1.17 to 2.52 m
40 in. (35 × 20 in.)
101.6 cm (89 × 50 cm)
9 in.
23 cm
28.6 in.
73 cm
–16.4 to 16.4 in.
–42 to 42 cm
5.8 to 12.5 feet
1.77 to 3.80 m
60 in. (51 × 28 in.)
152.4 cm (130 × 75 cm)
13.5 in.
34 cm
42.9 in.
109 cm
–24.6 to 24.6 in.
–63 to 63 cm
7.8 to 16.7 feet
2.38 to 5.08 m
80 in. (71 × 39 in.)
203.2 cm (180 × 100 cm)
17.9 in.
46 cm
57.2 in.
145 cm
–32.8 to 32.8 in.
–83 to 83 cm
9.8 to 20.9 feet
2.98 to 6.36 m
100 in. (87 × 47 in.)
254 cm (220 × 120 cm)
22.4 in.
57 cm
71.5 in.
181 cm
–41 to 41 in.
–104 to 104 cm
11.8 to 25.1 feet
3.59 to 7.64 m
120 in. (106 × 59 in.)
305 cm (270 × 150 cm)
26.9 in.
68 cm
85.7 in.
218 cm
–49.2 to 49.2 in.
–125 to 125 cm
14.7 to 31.4 feet
4.50 to 9.56 m
150 in. (130 × 75 in.)
381 cm (330 × 190 cm)
33.6 in.
85 cm
107.2 in.
272 cm
–61.5 to 61.5 in.
–156 to 156 cm
17.7 to 37.7 feet
5.39 to 11.49 m
180 in. (173 × 98 in.)
457 cm (440 × 250 cm)
40 in.
103 cm
129 in.
327 cm
–74 to 74 in.
–188 to 188 cm
4:3 aspect ratio
Projection distance
Diagonal image size
(width × height)
Offset A
Offset B
Horizontal Offset
4.7 to 10.1 feet
1.44 to 3.09 m
40 in. (32 × 24 in.)
101.6 cm (81 × 61 cm)
11.0 in.
28 cm
35.0 in.
89 cm
–20.1 to 20.1 in.
–51 to 51 cm
7.1 to 15.3 feet
2.18 to 4.66 m
60 in. (47 × 35 in.)
152.4 cm (120 × 90 cm)
16.5 in.
42 cm
52.5 in.
133 cm
–30.1 to 30.1 in.
–76 to 76 cm
9.6 to 20.4 feet
2.92 to 6.23 m
80 in. (63 × 47 in.)
203.2 cm (160 × 120 cm)
22.0 in.
56 cm
70 in.
178 cm
–40.2 to 40.2 in.
–102 to 102 cm
12 to 25.5 feet
3.66 to 7.79 m
100 in. (79 × 59 in.)
254 cm (200 × 150 cm)
27.5 in.
70 cm
87.5 in.
222 cm
–50.2 to 50.2 in.
–127 to 127 cm
14.4 to 30.7 feet
4.40 to 9.36 m
120 in. (94 × 71 in.)
305 cm (240 × 180 cm)
32.9 in.
84 cm
104.9 in.
267 cm
–60.2 to 60.2 in.
–153 to 153 cm
18 to 38.4 feet
5.51 to 11.71 m
150 in. (118 × 91 in.)
381 cm (300 × 230 cm)
41.2 in.
105 cm
131.2 in.
333 cm
–75.3 to 75.3 in.
–191 to 191 cm