Getting Your Photos Into Documents
November 1998
Sunflowers are big-leafed, sturdy plants that need
full sun and moist soils. Seeds attract birds.
Perennial species grow rapidly, forming sizable
clumps that can become invasive. Plant in large
gardens or parks. Start by division or seed. All
bloom in late summer and fall.
Recipe of the Month
Grilled Cactus Pads
* 1 pound cactus leaves * Olive Oil
This is an interesting treat for a cookout. Scrub cactus leaves
well with a vegetable scrubber to remove any spines that may
be on them. With the end of a potato peeler cut around the
spiney nodules and remove them. Make sure that all are
removed. Grill the leaves over charcoal or wood fire for 10
to 12 minutes on each side. Thicker leaves may take slightly
longer to grill. Brush leaves with oil occasionally while
grilling. Serve hot.
New Next Month
Orchid Mania
Landscaping Page
Page 3
Book Reviews Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Cactus Fever
Large, round or cylindrical cacti with deep
accordianlike ribbing and prominent spines
comprise this group of Mexican and Southwestern
U.S. natives. They vary in size and shape, but all
are easy to grow and can reach 10 ft. tall and wide.
Spring and summer flowers bloom in pink or
yellow in a circle at the plant’s crown. Don’t plant
where children are present.
- Focus on Echinocatus
This print sample was created using actual 1024x768 pixel images taken with the EPSON PhotoPC 600 XGA color digital camera. It was
printed with the EPSON Stylus Color 600 printer at 1440 dpi on EPSON Photo Quality Glossy Paper.
hotoPC 600 provides several methods for getting
your pictures into presentations, letters, and other
projects. You can drag and drop a picture from an Image
Expert album into a document or presentation. You can also
import an image into your application, or copy and paste it.
If you’re using Windows 95, you can use the Camio
Viewer to drag a picture directly from the camera and drop it
into your project. This chapter describes the following:
Importing images into documents
Getting images with copy and paste
Using drag and drop from an album
Getting images with the Camio Viewer
Getting Your Photos Into Documents
Popch5.fm5 Page 1 Tuesday, August 26, 1997 5:09 PM