Stand 02.01.09, GB 33, Geared head drill Page 33 of 52
Inspection and attendance
The following works you have to accomplish in the given intervals. We advice to
document the accomplishment of work. Observe before beginning with the works
point 5 until 5.1.2.
5.2.1 Daily work
Clean up the machine and remove chip rests
Clean the coolant screen
Check the coolant level
Check the function of the chip protection
Check the function of the safety switch/ equipment
5.2.2 Weekly work
Well cleaning of the machine and remove chip rests
Check the coolant level
Check the function of the chip protection
Check the function of the safety switch/ equipment
5.2.3 Monthly work
Check the level and contamination of the gear oil
Lubricate the machine at all lubrication areas
Remove the coolant pump from the housing and clean the air strainer
and the coolant screen.
Check the feast fit of the fixing screws at the motors, the pump and
the safety equipment
5.2.4 Semi
– yeaerly work
Check the feast fit of the anchor screws
Check the heald spring motion of the centre sleeve fetching
5.2.5 Yearly work
Clean up and refill the gear corresponding to lubrication plan