Stand 02.01.09, GB 33, Geared head drill Page 16 of 52
Safety during the use of the machine
Assure before activating the machine that no person or property value is
Do not accomplish work at the machine that is dangerous:
Assure that other people are not endangered by you
Observe the maximum drilling cap of the machine
Clamp the work parts before connection correct and feast
Do not try to break the run
– down drill chuck with the hand
Always break the machine for control measures at the work part
Wear adequate protective equipment
Do not wear long hair open, work with hairnet or cap
Wear close wear, no cravats, jewelry, rings etc.
Do not remove chips with hands, use adequate means of work
Never work at the machine if your concentration is limited (f. e. through
Follow the using, attendance and maintenance instructions of this user
Observe the accident prevention regulations that are effective for your
Announce damages directly to your superior
Only leave the machine after deactivating if it stopped completely