Firm ware 3.1.0 release notes
Firmware 3.1.0 updat es brings all Epiphan Video capt ure cards in line wit h t he lat est behind-t he-scenes
ef f iciency, f ixes t o limit at ions and known issues and new changes t o t he AV.io Conf ig Tool. Wit h t his lat est
version of t he f irmware, each grabber will provide t he same ef f ort less, high-qualit y video capt ure experience.
AV.io SDI is t he easiest SDI capt ure card you’ll ever use. It doesn’t need any special drivers inst alled on your
comput er – plug it in t o your USB port and st art using it right away. It ’s as simple as using a webcam!
Windows, Mac and Linux operat ing syst ems aut omat ically det ect AV.io SDI, ensuring compat ibilit y wit h your
f avorit e sof t ware, including Skype, Wirecast and QuickTime.
What 's new
This sect ion provides det ail on t he main f eat ures included in f irmware release 3.1.0.
Use input signal resolut ion
Previous versions of AV.io Conf ig sof t ware have allowed f or you t o pass t hrough t he resolut ion of your input
source as t he resolut ion of t he out put source, but 3.1.0 has some updat es on how t his works. See
f or more det ails.
Cust om resolut ion creat ion
You can now creat e a list of up t o t hree cust om resolut ions t hat can be used as out put f ormat s. You can add
t hese in t he
t ab of t he AV.io Conf ig sof t ware.
Significant changes t o lim it at ions, known issues and
t roubleshoot ing
Many changes have been made since t he last f irmware release f or AV.io SDI. There have been lot s of
improvement s t o t he ef f iciency and f unct ionalit y. See
Limit at ions and known issues
f or
more det ails.