AV.io SDI User Guide
Limit at ions and known issues
Lim itations and known issues
This sect ion includes known issues or limit at ions t hat af f ect f unct ionalit y or usabilit y and ways t hat you can
work around t hese limit at ions.
Affect ing all operat ing syst em s
UVC-314: Wit h t he except ion of t he f irst capt ure af t er syst em reboot , t he very f irst capt ured f rame is
always green.
Workaround: Remove t he green f rame in post -product ion edit ing. If st reaming t he capt ured
video, begin st reaming af t er t he init ial green f rame has already been capt ured.
Affect ing Windows
UVC-270: Windows 10: Somet imes, Windows 10 will not recognize t he grabber properly when
connect ed by a Fresco FL1100 USB 3.0 cont roller.
Workaround: Press t he ref resh icon t o ref resh t he device list or unplug and reconnect t he USB.
If neit her of t hese work, a dif f erent USB 3.0 host cont roller might be required.