AV.io SDI User Guide
User modes
Now t hat you've learned what t hese conf igurat ion set t ings do, you may want t o
Updat e f irmware using t he AV.io Conf ig t ool
User m odes
The AV.io Conf ig t ool gives users t he abilit y t o specif y cust om resolut ions. You can make use of up t o t hree at
one t ime, so you don't have t o worry about changing t he list every t ime you change which source you have
connect ed.
To change t he cust om resolut ions wit h t he AV.io Conf ig t ool:
1. If needed, inst all t he AV.io Conf ig t ool. For det ails specif ic t o your OS, see
Inst all t he AV.io Conf ig t ool
2. Connect your AV.io SDI device t o your comput er, lapt op or not ebook.
3. Open t he AV.io Conf ig t ool.
4. Select your AV.io SDI device f rom t he list under t he Devices heading.
If your video grabber is not displayed, press t he Ref resh icon t o ref resh t he list of connect ed