AV.io SDI User Guide
Syst em requirement s
Syst em requirem ent s
Syst em requirement s are t he barebones t echnical essent ials your comput er needs t o work wit h AV.io SDI.
Syst em requirement s t o use AV.io SDI include:
Video source
A 3G-SDI, HD-SDI or SD-SDI video source.
Video capt ure workst at ion
Any comput er (lapt op/ deskt op/ ot her f ormat ) wit h:
a compat ible USB 3.0 host cont roller f or
SuperSpeed operat ion; or,
a USB 2.0 host cont roller (will limit maximum f rame
rat e and resolut ion support )
Video capt ure workst at ion
operat ing syst em
Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Mac OSX 10.10 and up
Linux dist ribut ion wit h kernel 3.5.0 or higher
Processor frequency
Minimum recommended value: 2.4 GHz
Minimum recommended value: 4 GB
Technical specificat ions
Technical specif icat ions f or AV.io SDI are included in t he t able below.
Connect ors
BNC st yle SDI connect or
USB st andard B t ype
SDI (3G-SDI, HD-SDI, SD-SDI) wit h BNC-st yle connect or
Audio (SDI) Input
16-bit and 24-bit PCM encoded audio at 48 kHz
Audio (UAC)
out put
16-bit 48 kHz st ereo audio
Capt ure lat ency
Near-zero lat ency, alt hough cert ain t hird-part y applicat ions may
cont ribut e delay
HDCP Compliance
High-bandwidt h digit al cont ent prot ect ion (HDCP) prot ect ed cont ent
cannot be capt ured