Operation with vaporizer
(only for Bi-O / Vapor heaters)
Please clean the vaporizer in advance be-
fore the first use.
All parts and joints in contact with water should
be inspected regularly for defect in liquid tight-
ness during servicing and maintenance.
The control of the vaporizer is managed by the
control unit. The humidity level is controlled
either proportionally (time basis) or in the case
a humidity sensor is connected it is controlled
basing on the relative humidity value.
Please note that the relative humidity varies
greatly due to the varying temperature distri-
bution in the cabin. The readings of the hygro-
meter and the readings at the control unit can
for that reason be very different.
Make sure that sufficient water is in the water
tank of the vaporizer before use.
Please fill the
tank up to a max of
four centimeters below the upper edge re-
spectively until the marking „MAX“ on the
display panel.
Never add essences, oils or herbs directly to
the water tank; instead add these to the her-
bal bowl on the holder of the vaporizer.
The volatile oils released from essences are car-
ried with the hot rising steam and will be distri-
buted throughout the cabin.
In the case of the low water level in the water
tank during operation a buzzing signal indi-
cates the water shortage. To continue your
sauna session, you have to refill the tank after
a 5 minutes stop of the sauna control or after
switching to Finnish (dry) sauna for 5 minutes.
The heating element in the vaporizer must cool
down for 5 minutes before cold water is refilled.
Never pour water on the glowing he-
ating elements. Besides of the danger of
scald, the heating elment could be dama-
ged. Fill in the water up to the upper water
level marking.
Add herbs and essences to the herbal
bowl only.
Do not
pour essences into the va-
porizer tank!
By adding essences or any other addi-
tives for air humidity, a health hazard cannot
be removed. It is advised not to use those
additives apart from the recommended ones
by the manufacturer of the oven.
If additives are put in the water, this generally
leads to a foaming of the water. In this case the
water must be drained and the interior of the
cold reservoir washed out with a cloth soaked
in alcohol or mineral spirits. Even small rema-
inders of essences in the vaporizer will change
the natural molecular structure of the water.
Attention: Risk of scalding at the steam
outlet. Essences and herbs are to be placed
in the herb dish only.
Caution by control units with after-he-
ating mode! Never leave herbal bags in the
herbal bowl during the after-heating mode
after a humid (steam) operation. These may
dry out rapidly in this case and a present a
fire hazard! For fire safety reasons only herbs
in perforated aluminium bags may be used.