2.5. S A F E T Y G E A R
Riding in cold conditions and snowy terrain requires additional safety gear. Recommended items to
take with you when riding include:
• Flashlight
• First Aid Kit
• Avalanche Becon
• Shovel
• Food and Water
• Emergency Blanket
2.6. D R I V E R AWA R E N E S S
Always slow down when traveling near poles, posts, or other obstacles. Be especially alert if you
are riding a SnowKart after dark. Look ahead, behind, and to both sides before crossing railroad
tracks and roads. The SnowKart is very quiet so it is important to ensure the people and wildlife
around you are aware of your presence when you pass by. Always be courteous to oncoming traffic
and reduce your speed.
2.7. E XC E S S I V E S P E E D
Always observe all provincial and local laws and speed limits. Never modify your SnowKart to
increase the speed or power. Modification may also create a safety hazard and lead to serious
injury. Loss of control may occur at higher speeds.
2.8. O B S TAC L E S A N D J U M P I N G
Do not jump your SnowKart over large drifts or similar terrain. The impact of landing your SnowKart
after jumping may cause injury or death. Your SnowKart is not intended for this kind of use.
Unplanned jumps of snowdrifts, snowplow ridges, culverts or indistinguishable objects can be
dangerous. You can avoid these instances by wearing coloured lenses or face shields, and by
operating at a lower speed. If you unintentionally jump off an obstacle or the trail unexpectedly
drops away, lean back slightly and keep the ski up and straight ahead. Brace yourself for the impact
and keep your knees bent.