2.9. U N S E E N O B S T R U CT I O N S
There may be obstructions hidden beneath the snow. Traveling off established trails as well as in
wooded areas requires a reduced speed and increased vigilance. Traveling too fast in any area can
make even minor obstacles very hazardous. Stay on established trails to reduce your exposure
to hazards. Always be on the lookout for hidden wires, fences, tree branches and other objects,
especially in areas that may have been or is currently a farm.
2.1 0. H A N D S I G N A L I N G
Always signal when others are behind you when you intend to turn or stop. A left turn is indicated
by extending your left arm straight out so it is parallel to the ground. For right turns, extend the
left arm and raise the hand vertically forming a right angle at the elbow, or extend your right arm
straight out so it is parallel to the ground. If you are stopping or slowing down extend your left or
right arm and point your hand downward bending at the elbow to form a right angle.
2.1 1. T R A I L S
Before riding on a trail always check to see if low-powered vehicles are permitted. Whenever
possible, pull off the trail to prevent colliding with others. Become familiar with all signage used in
the area where you are snowbiking.
2.1 2. R I D I N G AT N I G HT
Traveling at night requires extra caution. Check your headlight and taillight to ensure proper
operation. Always ensure you can bring your SnowBike to a complete stop within the distance
illuminated by the headlight. The amount of natural and artificial light at any given time can effect
your ability to see or to be seen. Stay on established trails and never operate in unfamiliar territory.
Always avoid rivers and lakes at night. Wires, fences, tree branches and other objects are difficult
to see at night. Never ride your SnowBike at night alone. Always carry a flashlight and wear proper
riding gear including reflective articles of clothing to ensure maximum visibility.
2.1 3. R I D I N G I N A G R O U P
We always recommend riding with a partner or in a small group. When traveling in a group of
SnowBikes, don’t follow too closely. Leave enough distance between SnowBikes to provide ample
stopping room and to provide protection from flying snow and debris. Allow even more distance
when driving on slippery surfaces or when traveling in darkness or other low visibility conditions.
Drive defensively to avoid accidents.