2.1 4. T E R R A I N & W E AT H E R C O N D IT I O N S
2 .14.1. D E E P S N OW
In deep snow, your vehicle may begin to sink down. If this occurs do not spin your track as this
makes the vehicle sink deeper. Instead, dismount and move the vehicle onto new snow. Then tramp
a clear path a few metres ahead of the vehicle. Never place foreign material beneath the track to
improve traction. Always keep your hands away from the track. Personal injury will result if contact
is made with the revolving track.
2 .14.2 . F ROZ E N WAT E R A N D I CY S U R FAC E S
Traveling on frozen lakes and rivers can be fatal. Never attempt to operate your SnowBike on a
frozen body of water. When operating on unavoidable icy surfaces—excluding frozen bodies of
water, drive slowly with caution. Allow yourself plenty of room for stopping and turning.
Driving in too little snow will result in excessive wear and damage to the track and ski.
Never attempt an abrupt change of direction when operating on slippery surfaces. Proceed
slowly and use extra caution. Driving on ice or hard-packed snow reduces steering and
braking control, which may result in loss of control and serious injury or death. Slow down
and use extra caution when operating on slippery surfaces.
2 .14.3. H A R D PAC K E D S N OW
Like ice hard packed snow should be avoided when possible. The ski and track have limited traction
on hard packed snow. Slow down and avoid rapid acceleration, turning or braking.
2 .14.4. U PH I L L
Climb hills with caution. If you become stuck and cannot proceed further, avoid spinning the track.
Lean forward slightly when climbing to avoid tipping backward. Always slow down when you reach
the crest of the hill. Avoid extremely steep inclines.