No-Retry Faults
High Temperature, Water Temperature Probe Open,
Water Temperature Probe Closed and Brown Out faults
prevent compressor operation for the duration of the
fault. If the fault activity ceases while the system is
inactive, the fault code is cleared from the display and
operation is permitted.
High Temperature
Compressor operation will be disabled when the control
senses an entering load side water temperature of
54.4°C regardless of mode.
Water Temperature Probe Open (PO)
Compressor and pump operation will be disabled when
the control senses that the water probe is open or has
infinite resistance. The LED display shall read “PO.”
Water Temperature Probe Closed (HC)
Compressor and pump operation will be disabled when
the control senses that the water probe is closed or has
no resistance. The LED display shall read “HC.”
Freeze Detection Probe Open (dO)
Compressor and pump operation will be disabled when
the control senses that the freeze detection probe is
open or has infinite resistance. The LED display shall
read “dO.”
Standard Board - Control Features cont.
Freeze Detection Probe Closed (dC)
Compressor and pump operation will be disabled when
the control senses that the freeze detection probe is
closed or has no resistance. The LED display shall read
Brown-Out (B0)
All operation will be disabled when the control voltage
falls below 18VAC for 10-15 continuous seconds.
Resetting Lockouts
To reset any lockout condition, place the unit into the
standby mode for at least 5 seconds. After the lockout
has been reset, the fault display will be turned off. Cycling
control power will also clear the display. Non-Retry Faults
must be cleared for the display and lockout to clear.
Power Down (power outage)
The controller will store its Service Menu settings and
current Mode selection in non-volatile memory so that these
settings are retained through any power outage. Current
operating conditions are not stored and the controller must
evaluate its current conditions.