Section 1
Programming options
This PC-compatible program displays and allows editing of all
welding parameters and status information.
In addition to programming, NetFlash provides backup/restore
functions for control data, live data logging to a file and a utility for
updating the firmware in the iPAK2.
2. WSP3 Pendant
iPAK2 series controls work with the same WSP3 pendant that is
used with EN7000, WS2003 and iPAK (v1). Access to all
parameters is provided, plus diagnostic indication.
A PLC or HMI MODBUS master can be used to program, control
and monitor an iPAK2. All parameters are directly mapped to
MODBUS registers for easy access. Both MODBUS-TCP/IP
(Ethernet) and MODBUS-RTU (RS485) protocols are supported.
4. Ethernet/IP
An optional adapter card can be fitted to the expansion port,
providing full data access via the EtherNet/IP protocol.