Backing up and Restoring Your Library
You can create a backup of your library for safe keeping. This method creates an
encrypted archive of your books. The procedure to backup your content is described in
Archive Content.
To backup your library:
1. Open the application menu.
2. Select the Local Back-up icon.
3. Select Backup Library to proceed.
4. Choose the location to store the backup file, for example a USB flash drive. Mul-
tiple progress bars open while each file in your Library is backed up.
To restore your library:
1. Follow steps 1 and 2 above.
2. Select Restore Library.
3. Choose the location from which to restore your library (for example, USB0 or SD
card). Locate the encrypted backup file. It will have an extension of .esi.
4. Press select next to the file. You will be prompted to confirm the file restore.
NOTE: The restoration will overwrite the contents of your library if you have changed
them after the file backup.
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