Latch menu:
When latch function of set parameters is active, user can choose the way
how to fault recovery in this menu. User can make this by 3 ways.
LAt Ch bUt ton:
Removal of latch is chosen by pressing the “SET”
button. By chosing “oFF”, SET button becomes passive.
LAt Ch ın PUt:
Fault recovery can be done with using digital inputs.
When “LAt Ch ın I-2” is chosen only second digital input becomes
When “LAt Ch ın ALL” is chosen both of the digital inputs become
User can remove the latch when the signal comes to digital inputs.
When “LAt Ch ın oFF” is chosen this feature becomes pasive.
LAt Ch AUto:
When this feature is chosen fault recovery occurs at the
end of the set time. User can set the turning time below.
User can choose the time between 15 min. - 180 min.. Time can be set by
multiples 15 (15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120,135, 150, 165 or 180 min.).
NOTE: “LAt Ch bUt ton”, “LAt Ch ın PUt” ve “LAt Ch AUt o” can be
activated at the same time.
Press SET button for 3 sec. (trA Fo menu is displayed.)
Press SET button (LAt Ch bUt ton menu is displayed.)
By using UP/DOWN buttons, from the menus of “LAt Ch bUt ton/
ın PUt/AUt o” choose the menu where the setting will be done.
Press SET button (on/oFF/oFF is displayed).
By using UP/DOWN buttons, select related parameter values (”on”,
“oFF”/ “oFF”, “I-1”, “I-2”, “ALL” / “oFF”, “15 ... 180”).
Press SET button, “LAt Ch bUt ton/ın PUt/AUt o” is displayed. (Option is
entered but is not activated yet. For activating the new data please follow
the below steps.)
Press ESC button one by one until “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed.
When “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed, press SET button. If you press ESC
button or choose “no” option instead of “yES” option by using UP/DOWN
buttons, new data will be cancelled and previous value will be activated.
Pulse Counter (PUL SE CoU ntE r)
PUL C-1 ACt: In this menu, the activation of C-1 counter is done. If “on” is
chosen C-1 counter will be active, and if “oFF” is chosen C-1 counter will
become passive.
counters is set same way.
Example :
If the ratio of the C-1 counters is 10, every 10 pulses come
from In-1 input the counter counts 1.
Note: DC signal has to be given to the digital inputs when this menu is
used. When AC signal is given, pulse counter counts according to the
given sources frequency.
Note: If “ACt oFF” is chosen for C-1 and C-2 counters, the pulse
counting feature will become passive. In instant values, passive
counter is not displayed.
Press SET button for 3 sec. (trA Fo menu is displayed)
“PUL SE CoU ntE r”menu
Press SET button (PUL C-1 ACt menu is displayed).
By using UP/DOWN buttons, from the menus of “PUL C-1 ACt/
C-1 rAt ıo/C-2 ACt/C-2 rat ıo” select the menu.
Press SET button (on/9999/on/9999 is displayed).
By using UP/DOWN buttons and select interested parameter values (“on-
Press SET button, “PUL C-1 ACt/C-1 rAt ıo/C-2 ACt/C-2 rat ıo” is dis-
played. (Option is entered but is not activated yet. For activating the new
data please follow the below steps.)
Press ESC button one by one, until “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed.
When “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed, press SET button. If you press ESC
button or choose “no” option instead of “yES” option by using UP/
DOWN buttons, new data will be cancelled and previous value will
be activated.
Hour menu:
In this menu run hour and setpoint hour is set.
“hoU r ACT”:
In this menu the run hours activation conditions are set.
When “hoU r ACT on” is chosen, the run hour keeps working uncondi-
is active.
When “hoU r ACT ı-2” is chosen, the run hour runs if second digital input
is active.
When “hoU r ACT ALL” is chosen, the run hour runs if one of the digital
inputs is active.
“hoU r SP” :
In this menu, alarm time is set. When the set time reaches
“SP -h” chosen output will be active.
Between 0001 - 9999 the hours can be set.
“hoU r oUt” :
In this menu the alarm output is chosen. It can be chosen
between 1 ... 8. First and second outputs are relay outputs 3. ... 8 outputs
are digital outputs.
Press SET button for 3 sec. (trA Fo menu is displayed)
Press SET button (”hoU r SP” menu is displayed.)
Press SET button (”hoU r SP 000 0” is displayed)
By using UP/DOWN buttons, enter the values for blinking digits. By
using SET button, other digits in turn, by using BACK button for previous
menu. When last digit is programmed press SET button, “hoU r SP” is
By using UP/DOWN buttons from the menus of “hoU r ACT/oUt”
select the menu.
Press SET button (on/1 displayed).
By using UP/DOWN buttons set the related parameters values (”on”,
“ı-1”, “ı-2”, “ALL” / “1 ... 8”).
Press SET button, “hoU r ACT/oUt” is diplayed (Option is entered but is
not activated yet. or activating please follow the below steps).
Press ESC button one by one until “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed.
When “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed, press SET button. If you press ESC
button or choose “no” option instead of “yES” option by using UP/DOWN
buttons, new data will be cancelled and previous value will be activated.
Setpoint menu:
In this menu setpoint setting can be programmed. In this menu there
are 16 setpoint setting (SP -01 ... SP -16). “SP -xx ACt” menu must be
activated from the chosen setpoint menu. If not, user can not enter the
“SP -xx” parameters.
“SP -01 ... SP -16”
: 16 setpoint settings which are set by the user. “SP-
01” protection setting activation and settings of the sub menu parameters
are given below. All other setpoint protection settings can be done by
same way.
“SP -01 ACt”
: In this menu “SP -01” protection settings is done. When
protection setting is chosen “oFF”, SP -01’s other menus can not be
“SP -01 ACt on”: Protection setting is active.
“SP -01 ACt oFF”: Protection setting is passive.
one of these parameters can be setted.
Note :
Protection settings parameters and the information are in the
“SP -01 oPE” :
In this menu, extreme, low or both protection settings are
determined. Sub menus are explained below.
“SP -01 oPE rAn gE”: Low, extreme protection is done.
“SP -01 oPE hıg hEr”: Extreme protection is done.
“SP -01 oPE LoU Er”: Low protection is done.
“SP -01 hı” :
In this menu extreme protection value is set.
“SP -01 Lo”:
In this menu low protection value is set.
Note: When extreme protection value is chosen low protection
value is closed, and when low protection value is chosen extreme
protection value is closed in “SP -01 oPE” menu.
“SP -01 hYS” :
In this menu fault recovery hysteresis value is set.
“SP -01 ond” :
In this menu entering the fault delay is set
(000.0-999.9 sec.).
“SP -01 oFd” :
In this menu fault recovery is set (000.0-999.9 sec.).
“SP -01 oUt” :
In this menu alarm output is chosen. 1. ... 8. outputs can
be chosen. First and the second outputs are relay outputs, the others (3.
... 8) are digital outputs.
“SP -01 LAt Ch”:
In this menu lock function is activated.
“SP -01 LAt oFF”: Closes the latch function.
“SP -01 LAt on”: Activates the latch function.
Note: Latch functions are set in latch menu.
Note: When protection parameters give error the user can see the
erroneous parameter by using UP/DOWN buttons in instant values
(more than one error use SET button).