Pulse Menu
In this menu, 3 parameter can be selected. “PUL oUt rAt ıo,
PUL oUt o-1, PUL oUt o-2”.
PUL oUt rAt ıo :
In this menu, the pulse ratio of pulse outputs is
1, 10, 100 (Wh/VArh); 1, 10, 100 (kWh/kVArh); 1 MWh/MVArh.
PUL oUt o-1 / PUL oUt o-2 :
Pulse is taken for respected consumption
which assigned in “PUL oUt rAt ıo”.
o-1/o-2 parameters can be set the below settings;
ACt (Export/Import), A-I (Active Import), A-E (Active Export),
rEA (Inductive / Capacitive), r-L (Reactive Inductive),
r-C (Reactive Capacitive).
Press SET button for 3 sec. (trA Fo menu is displayed.)
“PUL SE oUt” menu.
Press SET button “PUL oUt rAt ıo” menu is displayed.
/PUL oUt o-2” menu.
Press SET button (1k / A-I / r-L blink)
By using UP/DOWN buttons, select required parameter of value.
Press SET button (Data is entered but is not activated yet. For activating
the new data please follow the below steps.)
Press ESC button one by one until “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed.
When “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed, press SET button. If you press
ESC button or choose “no” option instead of “yES” option by using UP/
DOWN buttons, new data will be cancelled and previous value will be
Energy Counter (Eng Cnt) Menu:
MPR-53CS has 2 energy counters:
Energy Counter 1 (E-1), Energy Counter 2 (E-2).
“E-1 / E-2” have 4 parameters:
on : “E-1 / E-2” counters count without depending on any parameters.
ı-1 : It counts when “E-1 / E-2” counter is “on” in digital input 1 (Activate E-1/E-2
counters, when digital input 1 is on).
ı-2 : It counts when “E-1 / E-2” counter is “on” in digital input 2.
E-2: When “E-2” counter is active, “E-1” counter do not count. (It is only “E-1”
counters parameter)
E-1: When “E-1” counter is active, “E-2” counter do not count. (It is only “E-2”
counters parameter)
When “E-2” is chosen in “E-1” counter and when “E-1” is chosen in
parameters, if digital inputs hasn’t got the information “1” both of the counters count
but if one or both of the counters has got the information, both of the counters don’t
Press SET button for 3 sec. (trA Fo menu is displayed)
“Eng Cnt” menu.
Press SET button (Eng Cnt E-1 menu is displayed).
Press SET button (on blinks)
By using UP/DOWN buttons, select required parameters.
Press SET button. (Data is entered, but is not activated yet. For
activating the new data please follow the below steps)
Press ESC button one by one until “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed.
When “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed, press SET button. If you press
ESC button or choose “no” option instead of “yES” option by using UP/
DOWN buttons, new data will be cancelled and previous value will be activated.
User Password Setup :
and activate a 4 digit user password for preventing device setting from
the illegal usage.
There are 2 sub menus under “Pın” menu.
Changing of User Password :
This menu is to change the user password.
Factory default value for user password is
Press SET button for 3 sec. (trA Fo menu is displayed.)
Press SET button (Pın ACt IUA tE menu is displayed.)
“Pın CHA n9E” menu is displayed.
By using UP/DOWN/SET buttons, enter the old password.
By using UP/DOWN/SET buttons, enter the new password.
By using UP/DOWN/SET buttons, re-enter the new password.
Press SET button, “Pın CHA ngE” is displayed (Data is entered but
is not activated yet. For activating the new data please follow the
below steps).
Press ESC button one by one until “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed.
When “SAU E SEt yES” is displayed, press SET button. If you
press ESC button or choose “no” option instead of “yES” option by
using UP/DOWN buttons, new data will be cancelled and previous
value will be activated.
Activating User Password :
This menu is used for activating the user password.
After the user password is activated for entering to the menus; if the
button is pressed for 3 sec., while the instant values are observed, user
password is required. If the user password is entered wrong device does
not latch.
Factory default value of user password is
Press SET button for 3 sec. (trA Fo menu is displayed.)
Press SET button
(Pın ACt IUA tE menu is
Press SET button. First digit blinks.
By using UP/DOWN buttons enter the values for blinking digit. By using
SET button, switch the other digits. Use BACK button to switch the
previous digit. After setting the last digit, press the SET button, “Pın ACt
oF” is displayed. “on” can be selected by using UP/DOWN buttons. (Data
is entered but is not activated yet. For activating the new data please
follow the below steps.)
Displaylerde (SAU E SEt yES) görününceye kadar ESC tuşuna tek tek
Displaylerde (SAU E SEt yES) göründüğünde SET tuşuna basın
(SAU E SEt yES göründüğünde ESC tuşuna basarsanız veya “yES”
yerine “no” seçeneğini seçerseniz yeni ayarlar kaydedilmeden ayar
menüsünden çıkılır. Cihaz önceki ayarlarıyla çalışmaya devam eder.)