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Timeline View
Figure 4.4: Timeline View.
Additionally to the mian window, a second section is used to provide additional information about the radio activity.
In the timeline, all received packets are drawn categorised by ports and addresses.
In the first view lines the activities on the several ports are shown. The ports may represent different radio settings
for the internal modules connected. Each coloured box marks an activity on the port.
The next lines display the received packets categorised by address. Selecting a packet in the timeline automatically
selects it in the main window as well and vice versa.
Detail View
Figure 4.5: Detail View.
The detail view expands the protocol sections with further details as listed in the table- or packet views. Additional
protocol specific information can be retrieved from this view.
To display the details of a specific packet in the detail view, select any packet in either the packet-
, the table
or the time line view
. The same packet will be selected across all views and you can inspect its extended
information in the detail view.
Running the mouse over a specific packet highlights the packet in the different views without selecting. For selecting
and packet detail investigation, left-clicking is necessary.
Steinbeis Transfer Center Embedded Design and Networking
Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Lörrach
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Sikora