The log data files are simple ascii text files which can be opened with any common
program such as Notepad, MS Word or Excel. The data files created are named
WSLOGxxx.TXT where xxx is the well ID in the form 001 etc. Each data point stored is
appended to the file corresponding to the currently set well ID. If a file does not exist for
the well ID selected, it is created. Once the data is copied to the computer, the file can
be deleted from the Well Watch. A new file will be created automatically if the same ID
is used.
The log data is formatted as follows:
2018/04/20 18:26:02 D-566.23 T 88.5/81.8 B23.5/11.4/11.2 G171/199/300 N001 R0005/F04000
2018/04/20 18:26:04 D-566.23 T 88.5/81.8 B23.5/11.5/11.2 G171/199/300 N002 R0001/F04000
2018/04/20 18:26:06 D-566.12 T 88.5/81.6 B23.5/11.4/11.2 G171/199/240 N002 R0001/F24000
2018/04/20 18:26:07 D-566.01 T 88.5/81.4 B23.5/11.4/11.2 G171/199/300 N002 R0001/F24000
The interpretation of this data is as follows:
Data – year/month/day
Time – hour:min:sec
Depth – in feet (meters) with respect to the reference level
Temperature – controller temp/probe temp
Battery Voltage – controller ext pwr/probe cap before pulse/probe cap after
Gain – outgoing pulse/return pulse/noise
Noise level – index
Error codes – (see appendix)
The Well Watch 710 contains an expanded memory which provides enough memory to
record one data point per minute for over 50 years. This memory supports a windows
compatible file system which can be accessed using the USB port. When the Well
Watch is connected to a computer with a USB cable, the computer will identify the Well
Watch as a mass storage device and show the available log files in an explorer window
which can be copied directly to a directory on the computer and deleted from the Well
Watch. Other Well Watch functions are disabled while accessing the SD card through
the USB port.
Eno Scientific Well Watch 700