Integration Guide
Version 1.11
Page 40
1.11 - 4/22/03
8.0 SIM
8.1 Provisioning the SIM
The SIM can support optional features or services. Most operators typically configure the SIM to
send/receive voice calls and to receive SMS; however, some may require an additional tariff to enable the
SIM to send SMS. The transmission of circuit switched and GPRS data are also additional services that
may be required to allow the service:
Mobile-originated (MO): allows making a service request (such as, making a call or sending an SMS)
Mobile-terminated (MT): allows receiving a service request (such as, receiving a phone call or an SMS)
It is imperative for the Enfora Enabler-G module that the SIM be configured for the optional services that
are required for the application.
8.2 GSM Services Supported by the Enfora Enabler-G Module
The Enfora Enabler-G module supports four GSM services (modes of operation) that must be enabled by
the operator:
Voice calls (MO and MT): requires a telephone number
SMS (MO and MT): uses the telephone number for Voice
Circuit-switched data calls (MO and MT): requires a telephone number
The GSM SIM can have multiple telephone numbers.
8.3 GPRS Services Supported by the Enfora Enabler-G Module
The Enfora Enabler-G module supports the following GPRS (modes of operation) that must be enabled by
the operator:
GPRS Packet Connectivity (MO and MT) with Both Dynamic and Static IP option
GPRS SMS (MO and MT): uses the IP (Dynamic or Static) set by the operator
Multiple APN Setting
Quality of Service Options
Multi-slot 12 Class of Service (Requested vs Granted) (Demonstrated @ MS10)