1164-EnertexKNXIPSecureRouter_US-2.odt, 2019-03-25
Seite 12 von 19
Figure 9: Standard Filter Group address
Direction: Telegrams from the IP
side to the KNX side
Main Group 0 to 13
filter, block, route Group
telegrams can be routed,
blocked or filtered via
the routing. Groups 14
and 15 are grouped
together to form a block.
Group telegrams can be routed,
blocked or filtered via the routing.
The groups 0 to 13 are summarized
here to a block.
Main Group 14 to 15
filter, block, route
Group telegrams can be routed,
blocked or filtered via the routing.
Groups 14 and 15 are grouped
together to form a block.
Main Group 16 to 31
filter, block, route
Group telegrams can be routed,
blocked or filtered via the routing.
The groups 16 and 31 are here
combined to form a block.
Extended Group Address
In addition to the block-oriented
filtering of group address telegrams,
each group can also be separately
routed, blocked or filtered via the
routing. With this function, the
parameter dialog can be opened for
this purpose.
Direction: Telegrams from the KNX
side to the IP side
Main Group 0 to 13
filter, block, route
Group telegrams can be routed,
blocked or filtered via the routing.
The groups 0 to 13 are summarized
here to a block.
Bayern GmbH – Ebermannstädter Straße 8 - 91301 Forchheim - Deutschland - [email protected]