Manual Heat Pump Model HHPM-V.2- SEP 2012
5.1 Preliminary checking
Systern Piping:
Check the water system valve line-up to ensure that the heat pump is not
isolated from the system and that there is make-up water available.
Air vent:
Ensure that no air is trapped at the system high point and that the heat
pump water piping is free from air. Air vent valve shall be installed at the
system high point of the system piping and it has been vented.
Ensure that ductwork is properly installed. Dampers shall be fixed at
proper position not closed.
Before energizing the heat pump ensure that all electrical connections
are tight and that the electrical cabinet is in order.
Check incoming voltage at the heat pump disconnect to ensure that the
proper voltage is available and that all phases are present,
Heat Pump:
Check the compressor for proper rotation. This should be the first item
checked during startup.
Use the Phase Sequence Indicator to correctly identify proper phase rotation of the incoming
power supply conductors. When the supply conductors are connected to the heat pump terminal block in
the same order, the heat pump should run with correct rotation
Connect a Digital Multi Meter to measure total amperage during startup.
5.2. Startup
• Energize the heat pump power source. Pressing the power on push swich. The Power On light will
• If the temperature of the water in the storage tanks is less than the aquastat setpoint the HW Demand
light will illuminate and the time delay relay will begin to time out.
• After the time delay relay times out the main contactor will close to energize the compressor, blower,
and water pump.
• Check for proper rotation on three phase models at this time. Standard set of refrigeration gauges is
installed at the control panel and connected on the suction and discharge lines to monitor the
refrigeration side during startup. When the compressor is rotating in the correct direction, on startup the