Liquiphant FTL64
Time stamp of last proof test
Date of proof test
Frequency at delivery status
Current frequency
Upper alarm frequency
Upper warning frequency
Lower alarm frequency
Battery status
Electronics temperature
Minimum electronics temperature
Maximum electronics temperature
Heartbeat Verification
The "Heartbeat Verification" module includes the Heartbeat Verification wizard, which
performs a verification of the current device condition and generates the Heartbeat
Technology verification report:
• The wizard can be used via the SmartBlue app.
• The wizard guides the user through the entire process of generating the verification
• The operating hours counter and minimum/maximum temperature indicator (peakhold)
are displayed.
• If the vibration frequency of the fork increases, a corrosion warning appears.
• The order configuration of the oscillation frequency in air is indicated in the verification
report. An increased oscillation frequency indicates the presence of corrosion. A reduced
oscillation frequency indicates that there is buildup present or that the sensor is covered
by the medium. Deviations in the oscillation frequency compared to the oscillation
frequency on delivery may occur due to the process temperature and process pressure.
Proof testing for SIL/WHG devices
The "SIL Prooftest", "WHG Prooftest" module or "SIL/WHG Prooftest" module includes a
wizard for the proof testing that is required at appropriate intervals for the following
applications: SIL (IEC61508/), WHG (German Federal Water Act):
• The wizard can be used via the SmartBlue app.
• The wizard guides the user through the entire process of generating the verification
• The verification report can be saved as a PDF file.
Available only for devices with SIL or WHG approval