Basic information
ZEEnit 700 Q
Intended use
The atomic absorption spectrometer ZEEnit 700 Q is a compact tandem spectrometer
with a transversely heated graphite tube atomizer with Zeeman background correction
at the furnace as well as a flame atomizer with deuterium background correction. The
Zeeman graphite tube furnace and flame module are arranged in two separate sample
chambers, the associated autosamplers are hung in the sample chamber walls.
With the ZEEnit 700 Q, measurements using the graphite tube and flame techniques
can be made in sequence without switching over. For the hydride technique and the
HydrEA technique as coupling with the graphite tube furnace, there are hydride sys-
tems available as accessories for batch and continuous operation.
Deviations from the intended use described in this short instruction and in the operat-
ing manual result in limitations of warranty and liability during a damage event. Dam-
age to wearing parts is not included in the warranty.
If the safety instructions given in this short instruction and in the operating manual are
not observed when handling the ZEEnit 700 Q, this is considered a deviation from the
intended use.