ENDEAVOUR Int. Ltd. Tel +44 (0) 1225 446770 Fax +44 (0) 1225 446775
Long press Jog wheel to go to Main Menu at any time
Reset to Factory Settings
If you are sure that you want to reset the machine to the factory settings, follow the next steps:
From the setup menu scroll to “Factory Settings”.
Rotate the jog wheel to confirm that you want to reset to factory settings and press it.
All information stored after installation has been deleted.
Default Setings
Setup Menu
Fctry Settings
Reset the to the factory settings will permanently delete from the
memory any stored information, extra die sets, calibration or settings
changed after installation. It resets the machine to the parameters stored
when the machine was built. EIL accepts no responsibility for lost
information after using this function.
Set Language
Setup Menu