EDM01-36v10 DAG_9.2X2_Card_User_Guide - Synchronizing clock time
©2010 - 2012 Endace Technology Ltd. Confidential - Version 10 - May 2012
Single card no reference
When a single DAG card is used with no external reference, the DAG card can be synchronized to the
host computer clock. Most computer clocks are not very accurate by themselves, but the DUCK drifts
smoothly at the same rate as the computer clock.
The synchronization achieved with this method is not as accurate as using an external reference source
such as GPS.
The DUCK clock is synchronized to a computer clock by setting input synchronization selector to overflow
as follows:
dagclock –dX none overin
(Where X is the device number of the DAG card you want to configure).
muxin overin
muxout none
status Synchronised Threshold 11921ns Failures 0 Resyncs 0
error Freq 1836ppb Phase 605ns Worst Freq 147ppb Worst Phase 324ns
crystal Actual 49999347Hz Synthesized 16777216Hz
input Total 87039 Bad 0 Singles Missed 0 Longest Sequence Missed 0
start Wed Apr 27 14:27:41 2007
host Thu Apr 28 14:38:20 2007
dag Thu Apr 28 14:38:20 2007