EM3 AEM Monitor User’s Guide
General Electrosurgical Hazards
Any electrosurgical procedure is safest if moderate control settings are used along with minimum
activation times. Prolonged activations without the electrode in contact with the tissue should be
Confirm proper electrosurgical power setting before proceeding with surgery. Use the lowest power
setting that achieves the desired surgical effect.
In order to lessen the possibility of creating unintended burns, activate the electrosurgical generator
only when the active electrode is near or touching the target tissue.
The safe use of monopolar electrosurgery requires proper placement of the patient return electrode.
To avoid electrosurgical burns beneath the patient return electrode, follow all directions on the
product package for proper return electrode placement and use.
In some circumstances, potential exists for alternate site burns at points of skin contact (e.g., between
the arm and the side of the body). This occurs when electrosurgical current seeks a path to the
patient return electrode that includes a skin to skin contact point. Current passing through small skin
to skin contact points is concentrated and may cause a burn. This is true for earth referenced and
isolated output generators.
To reduce the potential for alternate site skin burns, do one or more of the following:
Avoid skin to skin contact points, such as fingers touching leg, when positioning the patient.
Place two to three inches of dry gauze between contact points to ensure that contact does not
Position the patient return electrode to provide a direct current route between the surgical site and
the return electrode which avoids skin-to-skin contact.
In addition, place patient return electrodes according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Keep electrical connections dry while in use to prevent potential conduction of High Frequency (HF)
current to the user.
Potentially hazardous conditions may exist when accessories of similar connector types are
intermixed. Be certain that accessories are appropriate for the type of electrosurgical generator
output used and the intended application.
While using electrosurgery, the patient should not be allowed to come into direct contact with
grounded metal objects (e.g., surgical table frame, instrument table, etc.). If this is not possible
during certain procedures (e.g., those in which noninsulated head frames are used), use extreme
caution to maximize patient safety:
Use the lowest power setting that achieves the desired effect.
Place the patient return electrode as close to the surgical site as possible.
Place dry gauze between the patient and the grounded object if possible.
Continually monitor the contact point(s).