Users’ Manual
EAN-26 Digital inclinometer operation
"PROBE SERIAL NO : 0123456789"
"OPERATOR NAME : Operator Name..."
"DEPTH OF TUBE : -10.0"
6.3 Digital inclinometer webview data format (*.DI1)
This file format will be utilized for transferring data to Encardio-rite web based data monitoring software
(WDMS). This file only transfers the logged borehole data points. Each header line or record shall appear
on an individual line and shall be terminated with a <CR> <LF> character.
"ER DIV1.0 Borehole Data File"
"SITECODE","BOREHOLEID","MAXDEPTH","DATE","TIME","A -0.0","A -0.5","A -1.0",
"A -1.5",……,"A -9.5","A -10.0","B -0.0","B -0.5",……,"B -9.5","B -10.0"
Note: As some of the above record lines are wider than print margins the lines have wrapped around to
the next line in print. The ellipsis (....) represents data points that have been edited out of this print record
to reduce space. The data contained in the above data format is different from the data in formats number
1 and 2 above. In formats 1 and 2, the raw data contains 2 readings for each of the axes A and B for each
depth level as taken by the Inclinometer. In format 3 only one data reading for each axis at each depth is
included. The single data point is calculated by taking the average of A+ and A- for the A axis and B+ and
B- for the B axis for that particular depth.