Enatel DC System Manual
Model: RWxxx
Version: 3.6
the load up slowly until the rectifier goes into Boost Charge mode (as indicated on the
LEDs). Slowly decrease the load until the rectifier switches to Float Charge mode.
Note that there is a 10 second delay when switching from Boost Charge mode to Float
Charge mode, but no delay when switching from Float to Boost.
Adjust the Boost to Float Current trimpot to set the required current value (0.1A to 40% of
full load).
Adjust Current Limit
Connect a variable load (set to minimum load) to the load connections of the rectifier.
Disconnect the Temperature Compensation Probe. Connect an accurate current meter in
series with the load. Turn the mains on to the rectifier and adjust the load until the
rectifier goes into current limit (as indicated on the LEDs).
Adjust the Current Limit trimpot slowly to set the required current limit. Do not exceed
100% of the rated current. Note that the current output requires time to settle when you
adjust the trimpot.
Adjust Over-Voltage Shutdown
This adjustment requires a variable voltage power supply (that has a maximum voltage
exceeding the over-voltage value to be set).
Connect the variable voltage power supply across the load connections of the rectifier
(ensure that +ve output of the variable supply is connected to the +ve load connection).
Disconnect the Temperature Compensation Probe. Connect an accurate voltmeter across
the output. Turn the mains on to the rectifier and adjust the variable voltage power
supply up until the rectifier goes into over-voltage shutdown (as indicated on the LEDs).
Adjust the Over-Voltage Shutdown trimpot to set the required voltage limit. Note that the
rectifier will cycle on and off – this is normal.
Adjust Low Voltage Disconnect and Hysteresis
This adjustment requires a variable voltage power supply (that has a maximum voltage
exceeding the voltage value to be set).
Connect the variable voltage power supply across the battery connections of the rectifier
(ensure that +ve output of the variable supply is connected to the +ve battery
connection). Connect an accurate voltmeter across the load connections of the rectifiers.
Leave the rectifier disconnected from the mains. Switch on the variable power supply and
adjust the voltage up until there is voltage on the load connections. Adjust the variable
voltage down slowly until the load voltage drops suddenly, indicating the load has been
First, adjust the LVD Voltage trimpot to set the required ‘on’ voltage limit.
Then adjust the LVD Hysterisis trimpot to set the required ‘off’ voltage limit.