• Clean and dry the skin surface of the body area to be treated.
• Inspect the electrode cords and electrode pads for wear. If they are not in good condition, they
should be replaced. If they are acceptable, then insert the cord pins into each electrode pad.
• Make sure the electrode pads are
in place to obtain
• Use the electrode sites recommended by your prescribing physician.
• Increase the output level SLOWLY to that recommended by your clinician. Usually, that will mean
increasing intensity until you can feel the tingling sensation (high pulse rates) or pulsing sensation
(low pulse rates) of the stimulation. Your prescribing clinician will tell you how far they wish you to
turn up the intensity.
• If at any time the electrical stimulation begins to feel uncomfortable, reduce the stimulation
amplitude to a comfortable level and contact your physician if the problem persist.
possibility of electromagnetic disturbance from other equipment in or outside your home exist.
Use caution in using electrical stimulation in situations which may have a potential high frequency
transmitter such as in close proximity to mobile phones in use, airport security systems, or hand
held detectors.