# PIDs for CAN channel 2
# CAN 2: 29-bit IN-Id: 0x6E
xpidin2 = x6E
# CAN 2: 29-bit OUT-Id: 0x1FFE
xpidout2 = x1FFE
configuration label
For easier identification of the programmed
settings, the configuration can be labeled. The
configuration name must not have more than
32 characters and must not contain space cha-
racters or tabs. If this key is missing, no name
will be assigned to the configuration.
name = standard_configuration
device id
During the configuration process via CAN the
device has to be uniquely selected in the net-
work. This process is based on the serial num-
ber of the device.
If there is the need to have the configuration
process independent of the serial number, a
device id can be assigned. Then the identifica-
tion of the device depends on the device id
and not on the serial number.
Care must be taken to use a particular device
id just once in a network, if more than one ga-
teways is used.
The device id can have values between 1 and
deviceid = 50
CAN/CAN - Gateway
User Manual