Setting up the PC interface:
The PC interface is set in the upper left field.
First you choose, if the gateway shall be ac-
cessed via RS232 or via CAN interface. If the
configuration software recognizes, that you do
not use an interface of EMS Dr. Thomas Wu-
ensche you can not select CAN as your inter-
Next the PC interface with which you want to
connect to the CG-ARM7 has to be chosen. If
you have selected RS232 as interface before,
you set up the COM interface here. If you have
chosen CAN, you select your CAN interface
Speed can only be selected, when a connecti-
on via CAN has been made. Choose a stan-
dard baudrate compliant to the CiA or choose
“Custom” to insert a user defined setting. Your
selected baudrate must be the same as the
baudrate of the gateway.
If no configuration is in the gateway it is not
possible to communicate with the gateway via
CAN/CAN - Gateway
User Manual