Product Safety Warnings
© 2021 EMP Inc.
Product Safety Warnings
WARNING: EMP cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard.
The safety messages in this document, in related manuals, and on the product are therefore not all inclusive.
If a tool, procedure, work method, or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by EMP is
used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should ensure that the product will
not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, maintenance, or repair procedures that you choose.
WARNING: Ensure that all safety messages and information messages are read and understood before
installation, maintenance, or repairs are performed. It is important to use caution when service work is
performed. Knowledge of impacted systems and their operation are important before the removal or
disassembly of any component.
WARNING: Make sure the equipment cannot move before doing any work or diagnostic procedures on
the EMP component, system, or vehicle.
WARNING: When working near electric components, ensure they cannot activate unexpectedly.
Remove power or utilize lock out switches.
WARNING: Use extreme caution when working on systems under pressure (i.e. coolant, hydraulic
fluids, air, fire suppression, etc.).
WARNING: Make sure the work area is ventilated and well lit.
WARNING: Make sure charged fire extinguishers are in the work area.
WARNING: Reinstall all safety guards, shields and covers.
WARNING: Make sure all tools, parts and service equipment are removed from the work area.
WARNING: Ensure that all system power and ground connection points are torqued to EMP and/or
OEM specifications to prevent system damage. Failure to follow specified torque requirements can result in
loose connections which can damage electronic components and will void EMP warranty.